Those 48st whiteboys are savages!
by ^48st^ December 23, 2007
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prettiest soul, mind, and body. always the best people to keep around. full of love
in luv with whiteboy swag
by milfcentral November 25, 2021
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the prettiest types of souls, even though can some time a dickbag they will make you happy no matter what. always have the shiniest eyes and pretties smiles too
i <3 whiteboy swag
by milfcentral November 23, 2021
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A term to denote something that goes very wrong
"That shits some whiteboy fucky"
by Thoobenator November 27, 2017
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While I do agree with the other definition, you can be whiteboy rap whiteout being white, examples include but certainly not limited to: joyner Lucas, dax, and trashy radio rap like nelly
You can be whiteboy rap without being white
by STL446 June 15, 2023
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When you snap the rim and lay the basketball off the back board.
He can whiteboy dunk, but he can’t really dunk.
by Lmaolol4167 August 20, 2021
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