One of the most devastating roasts ever invented, designed to bring terror upon its victims and end their will to live
Karl: Lmao you suck john
John: no u
Karl: ur mom gay lol
John: *cries*
Karl: hah nerd
John: wait a second
John: ur dad lesbian lol
Karl: *Has a stroke and fucking dies*
by LilWaffleTwat September 23, 2018
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ur dadd lesbian lol will end ur carreer lol and is a deadly verbal desease (causing suicide)
xX_Nibbagamerz_Xx: ur dad lesbian lol
Me: looks for tall cliff*
by search up @dankwankshank insta February 22, 2018
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1. A insult or roast toward another

2. A simple way to savagely RECK YOUR FRIENDS😈😈💩💩
You can shove it up your dads trophy case!!! Woahhhhh
by 420snappin420 October 29, 2019
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Even worse than the comeback "ur mom big gay"
Will most definitely destroy your opponent
Opponent: "ur mom gay"
Me: "ur dad lesbian"
Opponent: "UR MOM BIG GAY"
Me: "*pulls out trap card* YOUR DAD LARGE LESBIAN"
by 907470 March 21, 2018
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the insult of all insults to make any grown man cry
this insult is so severe that it has been known to give people panic attacks and put people in comas, and in some cases even death
todd: how was your day
larry: i fucked ur dad
todd: {instant coma}
by lanky nonse 68 September 24, 2021
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The comeback for when somebody says ur mom gay lol. This will counter them and end their useless life.
Some gay bloke: “Oi, ur mom gay lol
Me: ur dad lesbian lol”

Some gay bloke: *dies*
by ur clapped March 9, 2018
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Worse insult of all time when said the earth and everyone on it explodes.
1. Ur mom gay
2. Ur dad lesbian
1. Ur sister a mister
2. Ur grandpap a trap
1. Well, your family tree lgbt
2. Fuck you! Your family reunion is a homosexual communion
1. Do make me do it
2. Do it Pussy

2 and Everything else explodes
by JacksonFucksYourMom March 31, 2018
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