Before Gmail. When the finally had an acceptable email system. Once the world subsisted on Hotmail, AOL mail and hundreds of other inferior services. Then came the revolution. On April 1, 2004, a new approach to email was launched, giving the world searchable mail and nearly unlimited storage space.
Back in the year 1 bg, I paid $30 for 5 mB of storage.
by superfocus December 8, 2005
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A Brain Giggle. It is a more authentic response to something funny than LOL. The Brain Giggle describes an internal response to hilarity, producing at the most a smile, but no actual laughter. To discuss BG's with a friend often sounds much less innocent than it actually is.
“Dude, did you see what Sarah posted on her Facebook?”
“Yeah, man, I BG’d so hard.”
Weren’t you sitting with your parents?”
“I BG in front of them all of the time.”
by tkltkl March 5, 2013
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BG stands the the saying "Big Gay" or really gay.
That math test is going to be BG
by Sizz Kid April 21, 2006
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Acronym: Big Girl Syndrome. An officially recognised medical condition, it is used in instances when somebody whinges on about a negligible or insignificant "injury".
Is Dave playing football today?
Nah, his BGS is acting up again.

Man I'm so sore after the gym yesterday.
Sounds like you might have BGS.
by drewbobbage December 7, 2010
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big girl. an insult to people who are neither big nor a girl.
You look so big when you drive, Jake. You're a BG.
by primusfan February 25, 2006
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damn there's bg's everywhre
by Geecued August 5, 2009
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Boy1:damn u got her
Boy2:yea that’s my bg
by Cocoposeyyy February 22, 2019
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