noob- Wow look at that! World of Starcraft has a beta Im playing it!!!

1337- No its fake. Go away. I have proof its fake.
by Gamefaqs kid April 9, 2006
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a game that wil never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever come out!
my balls are blue
from the lack of starcraft 2.
by alman March 1, 2005
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Officially announced on May 18th, 2007, Starcraft 2 has no release date as of yet. This RTS had been anticipated by many games and will most likely be a huge hit. The graphics have largely changed from the previous Starcraft and they have instead adopted graphics that are very similar to Command and Conquer 3. For more information go to
"What is wrong with Blizzard? Why did they come out with Starcraft 2 instead of Diablo III? WTF?
by clanboru May 20, 2007
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A game that IS coming out. Supposed to come out August of 2008. To the guy who said that it copies Warhammer 40k: Come say that to my face and I will knock ur nose into the back of ur skull. Starcraft dominates any RTS and did not copy WH 40k. If ur gonna say that, u must as well say WH 40k copied WARCRAFT. Which warcraft was made BY THE PEOPLE WHO ARE MAKING STARCRAFT 2. Ya. Stfu. Blizzard has their own ideas. Blizzard kicks ass. Blizzard is the 1337 PwNaGe bitch. They don't and never have copied SHIT.
Starcraft 2 is going to be my afrodesiac
by jkgas October 3, 2007
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A console spinoff of the popular PC game Starcraft. Has been in production for a very long time now, release is expected within the next year.
Starcraft: Ghost production was pushed back another 3 months.
by Hewitt McGrill August 16, 2004
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Noobs will say this game isn't as good as the first one because they got cannon rushed and ling rushed at the same time, then a dt took out their whole mineral line, so it ruined their life.
Cannon rushing is one of the best strategies in Starcraft 2
by cannonrusher666 January 17, 2012
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