To be made a fool of; To make a fool of; To confound or prove wrong; embarrasing someone: Being embarrased.

Same meaning as getting played.
Lucy "why don't u shut up. & relax yourself"
Timmy "danG, What the fuck man, All i saying man, wuheva."
John "LoL, you just got SNAGGED"
by Vicious 2-40 March 19, 2008
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Student Naval Aviator Groupie. Basically any young female who is after a young navy student pilot. It's the "Top Gun syndrome", looking for a meal ticket out of small town America. Hangs out at the favorite pilot bars. Always knows where the pilot parties are and always shows up, even if not invited. Usually not invited 'cause the student pilots already expect her so it's assumed she will be there anyway. Often dates several student pilots at the same time, or is passed around a lot. A regular cum dumpster. Her enemy is the wives and long-term, stable GF's of the "non-single" student pilots.
Hey Maverick. What Goose? Check out the SNAGS!
by odie 13 January 28, 2008
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A girl who is so ugly she can snag lightning.
" Yo, check out that chick man. She's so ugly she can snag lightning."
by yomamaishere February 3, 2010
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Nickname for one that has a snaggled tooth, and/or snaggled nasty uncombed hair everyday. Also has panic attacks when a friend hugs someone that you're not friends with.
by kristen is a nastywhore February 14, 2004
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Another form of the word "sex" or "intercourse". Used to describe sexual activites that a woman might do to a male.
Hey, what did you and Betsy do last night?
Answer: We parked in a cornfield, she snagged my dick, and I came all over her dashboard
by cones212 September 20, 2010
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acronym for a sustainable neighbourhoods action group
He joined his local snag because developers wished to build a massive supermarket in his town, which would but his local independent business out of business.
by timmymahatma June 19, 2009
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