Someone who receives top
Yo bro your friend is such a slop
by Sjjsbdd April 1, 2019
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A meal that takes the shape of a container, but has enough surface tension to allow for a heaped spoon to stand upright
Ali: Look at my Michelin star slop
Connor: Gosh that's not slop it's sludge, it doesn't take the shape of the bowl
by AliConnorSpeical January 26, 2017
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Guy 1: Dude, I'm sick of these sloppings falling off my burger.
Guy 2: Did you just say sloppings?
Guy 1: Yeah, I saw it on Urban Dictionary. It is short for sloppy toppings.
by ImHypnotix October 7, 2021
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Sometimes stolen, easy to sell goods that cannot be tracked easily. Often times, acquired from friends or relatives at Christmas and pawned off at earliest convenience.
*Dr Rockso holding bags of presents stolen from his friends at the door of a pawn shop* "How much Dr Rockso get for dis slop, huh?"
by Yawrood March 17, 2011
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A really annoying teacher that can be easily made fun of
Dang we have the slop tomorrow
by Claireicea June 3, 2021
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When you take a drink of any canned beverage, leaving a small amount of liquid in the rim.
Drink you're slop!
by Soodo Name November 28, 2010
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i slopped so hard that i couldn't breathe. i just kept slopping and slopping
by sketchxartistxcomposite January 13, 2006
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