The slang term for the extra skin bunches found on weird vaginas.

orgin - Darek Johns brain after viewing the film "Sex Drive"

Synonyms - turkey cabinet, beef curtains, meat blankets, bologna cupboard doors.
Jerky Shutters

"Have you had oral sex with Cristy yet" "No way! she has those Dreadful Jerky Shutters."
by Darek Johns March 10, 2009
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Pork Shutters are much like camel toes...when you can see you can see the inmprint of a womans pussy thru her pants.
check out the pork shutters on that chick....
by John Barth May 29, 2008
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Shutter Speed: Adj. The amount of time it takes an anus to return to "closed" after use (often a result of age or rectal abuse or exploration.)
John's ass has a low shutter speed leading to frequent sharts.
by Fullbird1970 March 24, 2014
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An out-of-work photographer.
The guy that did our pictures spent everything on hookers and blow in Vegas and now he's a shutter bum.
by TheManWithNoFace June 10, 2008
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Nobody really knows, but it's mainly used as a meaningless insult.
by Thestarshines77 March 15, 2018
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To pull apart the vaginal lips and perform oral sex.
Buford: What's going on Braaa? Have you met that new chick in the apartment next door?

Ralph: Oh yea Braaa. I met her and then some.

Burford: What Braaa?
Ralph: She invited me in for a visit and before you new it, I was throwing back the shutters!

Burford: Sweeet! How was she?
Ralph: Them was some good eats Braaaa!
by Eaton Holgoode July 3, 2009
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