Someone that seems fun or exciting on the surface (at least to some people, not all), but doesn't really care how many they lose or what the people look like that they lose (black, yellow, brown, white, alien) as long as they win beneath the surface.
People thought the shallow girl really cared about the causes posted all over the signs in people's yards that she was behind creating, or the rallies and protests over causes related to incidents she was behind orchestrating, but in reality, she cared only about having the power to walk all over people that stood up to her and taking anything people didn't say yes to giving/sharing with her, as the word no was not an option for them to choose in her mind. That, and dollar signs.
by The Original Agahnim December 2, 2021
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shallow r ppl like me who just cant help themselves but fall for all the wrong ppl JUST because of their looks bc thts all the matters in their minds is social life=happiness no matter wat u half to do to get there..no1 is truely shallow but just chooses not to let themselves b hurt by not showing there true feelings because it would allow them to get hurt and they mite be "different" O NO god forbidd but unfortunatly thts the way the world works..pretty girls are shallow bitches..they are shallow bitches bc guys dont like the fact that they rnt good enuf for her so she MUST b shallow but really they rnt its stereotypical in most cases...but every hottie needs a hottie of their own so if u wanna call it shallow go ahead but its how im gonna b livingg it upp
ew no u cant date him on a hotness scale of 1-10 hes not a 12 meaning..UNDATABLEE
by tiffanyy January 21, 2005
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A Youtube Shitposter that creates videos on the video game Warframe. She is mute and must use a Text To Speech website to create videos for the daily scum to enjoy. Also, send her a Mag or die.
Jill: Hey dude have you heard of Quite Shallow before?
Alex: Nope
Jill: She's the girl that you send your daily Mags to.
Alex: OOOOh.
by SomeRandomOperator March 25, 2018
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A rapper/hip hop artist who is materialistic, usually misogynist and only sees things for the obvious that they are, and is does not look deeper into it.

Typically attached to record company puppet strings and found on television and radio speaking of things that you can ONLY obtain, or very simple 3rd grade analogies about them (I'm hotter than the sun).

These rappers are not impressive and you can sometimes predict what their gonna say because of how simple the lyrics are. They are typically uneducated and ironically are the most popular and commercially successful rappers.

However I wouldn't consider EVERY shallow rapper to be naturally like that, MOST of them use to be more creative and deep but had to change due to America's ignorant "dumb it down" demand for music
Lil Wayne

Nicki Minaj

Gucci Mane

Soulja Boy


Shawty Lo

ANY rapper that sings

MOST shallow rappers became popular because of one song that is a party/dance single

(a rare exception would be Lupe Fiasco)
by Optical Epilepsy April 11, 2010
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lacking intellectual or mental depth or subtlety; superficial
John Smith only talks to skinny girls that wear short skirts, he's shallow-minded.
Jane Doe only likes muscular guys who play guitar, she' shallow minded.
by 4reeltalk July 17, 2014
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a person who has difficulty connecting to others; who has no deep emotions; who is also probably self-preoccupied and with no big vision about life
We all knew that Bill was emotionally shallow so when his brother died and he said, "Bummer," no one was surprised.
by Quilyute43 January 13, 2017
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adjective; describing one who is so skin-deep that he or she does the following:

1) invests an excessive portion of disposable income on clothes, shoes, hair products, cosmetics, shake-weights, plastic surgery, and other means to fit the arbitrary standards of beauty ascribed by his or her culture/ society,
2) walks around in public places filling the self-assigned role of fashion police
3) views those who do not ascribe to his/her standards of beauty as inferior beings to self
4) values such standards (otherwise defined as "hotness") in potential significant others, over personality and intelligence
5) is willing to dump said significant others who downgrade in terms of such standards
6) suffers an existential crisis when suffering such a downgrade
These pricks are so shallow as a shower, I doubt they know what the concept of a human being is
by dick-shunary January 17, 2012
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