When you have to pee so bad and you finally make it to the toilet especially when it is just in time and your about to relieve yourself in your pants or panties
- I have to pee so bad rn

- pee relief is the best!
by Anonymous girl 1222 December 24, 2018
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A baseball term used to describe the act of engaging in sex with a less than desirable or not so attractive female, for the sole purpose of ending a period sexual frustration
I hooked up with an ugly chick last night at the bar.
Gross! Why?
I had to do some relief pitching son.
by OinkyB July 25, 2010
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The art of jacking oneself off with a Comic Relief Red Nose on the end of your penis.
"I'm easy going for some Comic Relief tonight."

"Been a long day? Looks like you could go for some Comic Relief this evening."
by Benjani69 March 13, 2009
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For a girl with the intention of fucking a comedian gives him head.
Girl1: Did you fuck that comedian after the show last night?

Girl2: We went back to his house and all he wanted was a little comic relief.
by kharazi November 18, 2009
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divorcing one's wife or dumping one's girlfriend in order to get out of debt due the overspending of one's girl friend
Guy 1: Dude i got debt relief yesterday.
Guy 2: You are in debt?
Guy 1: Yea my girl friend was bleeding me dry so i dumped her.
by OnlySlightly July 21, 2010
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That feeling you get after eating a big juicy steak.
You've taken hours to cut a huge piece of meat and expended all your energy on it. You are now at ease.
Winston: Dude, are you done with that steak now? It's been an hour.
Michael: Yeah. Man, meat relief!
Winston: Took you long enough!
by filletminion July 30, 2011
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When one is done jerking off in another room when people are in the house, the Relief Collapse is the refreshing flop onto your bed in a haze of post-nut clarity with the relief that no one knew you were masturbating.
Tyler: Man, the relief collapse makes the post-nut high even better. Just gets all the worries out.
by Spriiing May 30, 2020
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