While in the act of “Mooning” to person starts to poo. Aussie Slang.
The guy who was shocked when the girl started to moon him, but the shock turned to horror when the moon turned into poon!
by Boots01 May 6, 2022
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Another term for vagina. It is a slang word used by boys.
by jjofficialxv October 28, 2014
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to sit at home and masturbate, on a perfectly good evening for going out and having fun.
Anna aint here tonight because shie's at home pooning!
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when you get a dirty pair of laydees underwear and scrape the vaginal discharage from them then sort it like sex cocaine!
laura makes excellent pooning juices!
by beth stranger February 5, 2008
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Poon is a woman's vagina. There is also poon royalty as in the Poon King, the Prince of Poon and the Poon apprentice. These are the un-official masters of poon.
1. Lets go out tonight and get some poon.
2. I was with the the Poon King last night and he hooked me up with some sweet poon.
3. Hey look at the size of that poon!
by raj yin June 4, 2010
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someone who sniffs bicycle seats/chairs ect
troy buswell australian politician scandal
"I sniff bycycle seats" - "You filthy poon"
by xrsize May 15, 2008
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1. the act of nuzzling into another's inner thigh

2. a nude run through the streets after midnight
1. "oh god. look at rhonda and jim. pooning in public? get a room!"
2. "hakeem got really drunk last night and pooned down wilshire"
by georgia phyllis April 5, 2008
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