Rich Bay Area city, close to stanford. Everyone drives a Range Rover or a Benz. Everyone lives in a 2 story mansion. Every nieghborhood is upper class except for Greer Park. It is filled with over crowded low income apartments. I live by Greer and just driving by Greer Park I have seen boys who looked no older than 14 standing on the corners selling drugs. They wear those t-shirts that hang past their knees, possibly trying to conceal weapons, a lot of gang activity. Other than Greer Park, Palo Alto is a nice city.
Palo Alto is very wealthy , just avoid the Greer Park nieghborhood
by Starkesha June 17, 2008
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1.) the Place where they film THE OC, which is in LA county. Considered to be the wealthiest and most affluent neighborhood in all of Los Angeles county.

However..It is in reality a shit hole. What use is living on the coast line if you can't go to the beach? Its a nice little bubble..but once you leave you are in the fucking ghetto, i.e. carson, compton, torrance, etc..

A place that wishes it was located in southern Orange County California, but its not. The only reason why people live in PV as opposed to Laguna Beach, Newport Beach, Newport Coast, Corona Del Mar, Dana Point, San Clemente, etc..
is because its the only halfway decent place to live in LA
I own a business in downtown LA... I would love to live in Newport or Laguna, but the drive is too far so I bought a house in Palos Verdes instead
by Sam Kim August 1, 2005
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A lot of these definitions talk about how Palo Alto is rich, and how it's filled with ex-hippies turned Republican, and all that is true. What none of them mention, and what might be the very worst thing about the town, is its banality. Everything - from the style of the buildings, to the cars people drive, to the the clothes they wear, to the food they eat, and even the ideals they hold - is overpriced and bland, more show than substance. There's no art scene, nor even any venues for live music. Both Palo Alto and its sister institution, Stanford, have long made their bread by whoring themselves out to the federal government, doing R&D for defense and intelligence agencies. That's why all the hippies worth their salt left even before they got priced out of the place, and that is what people mean when they say, "Shallow Alto."
At least the CIA turned Ken Kesey onto acid while he was at Stanford, but I don't think Palo Alto can take the credit for that.
by celestius November 24, 2010
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Small town, almost too small to be a town. wen your there, you know its hicksville cause they have cows mowing the local park's grass. the food joints suck, and people put up missing signs for their pigs. homeless are constantly seen, and if you ever wish to make any sort of life for yourself, get out of there before 19. close to the slightly less lame Redding, CA.
Hick: Hey, i live in palo cedro. ever heard of it? Person: you mean palo alto??? Hick: No, palo cedro! Person: .....are you sure youre not just messin with me? cause thats not even on the map....
by *iwouldkno* March 26, 2011
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A town where rich "moreopenmindedthanthou" hippies/yuppies inhabit starbucks and raise drug-addicted materialistic wiccan teenager girls who assault their mothers and don't go to jail because they're rich.

This town sucks.
Palo alto... sucks.

by Downvoting Victim February 15, 2005
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name for a Male homosexual loser who may resemble the starring actor of "The New Guy"...
by Chill Patrol May 11, 2004
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A: Damn, I wish I was as cool as the Palo Alto kids. Plus, the East Meadow gang is so chill. They do it HARDCORE. I'm so jealous.

B: Well, I'm from Palo Alto.....

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