This is an endearing name you give someone you care about because they are so silly and crack you up a lot.
Dayo Ojo is such an ode. Dude keeps getting on my last nerves.
by Mcwhillion July 15, 2017
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an over dose on drugs
most likely killing you, unless you suck at music-i.e. Motley Crew- you wont ull jus live till the end of the world, cuz God has a sence of humur
Dont OD you might die
by Nater June 2, 2003
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Ode. (the dot being key) is a person who is confused about their sexuality and is yet to come out as openly homosexual. They usually manifest their own suppressed feelings on straight people.

They have a fondness of the colour yellow and usually drive mini's in that colour.

They have a very keen interest in France. Ranging from visiting the country with other people to making the toast.
Thats Ode.

Stoping being Ode.
by Spaj1234 September 12, 2013
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1.) drug overdose

2.) the newspaper from utica, ny. stands for observer dispatch.
1.) once upon a time there was a hooker in utica and she died in a hot tub from an od.

2.) her story made the front page of the od.
by Brittany K December 17, 2006
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a Nigerian word used to indicate a person who is an idiot/stupid.
GUYYY Dejola is such an ode
by IMMAMADNESS August 29, 2018
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a Yoruba term used in describing a stupid person.

Nigerian girls use it for boys that they like but don't have sense enough to tell them ( could be friendly and mean a lot of other things)

Nigerian mothers, however, use this in completely destroying your self-esteem and remind you of how foolish you can be.
ode ni e (you are stupid)

Nigerian Girl - Ode, when are you coming to my house?
by Curio Dolapo November 7, 2019
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Another way of referring to an an odd-ball, someone who is generally unusual, or odd. It's a bit like Ed Balls (the English politician), but odd. Hence odded, as in Odd Ed.
That new chap who just joined the society is quite clearly odded.
by dj solrac July 5, 2013
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