Ideally a Communist mantra. Exists in hip-hop and popular r'nb songs aswell. More money would lead to more problems for the one that possesses the money. Hence making money the problem.
US president: Communism will never succeed, Capitalism is the way forward.
Castro: Mo' money, mo' problems
by Settit November 10, 2008
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A great way to remember some basic chemistry and physics basics.

With more motion, more heat is formed, or, when you add heat, you get more motion. It works both ways which is good to know in chemistry when speaking about speeding up a reaction, or physics when talking about thermophysics.

Side note: It also can relate to psychology when you consider that the rate of sex increases in the summer months. Which also brings it into the anatomy field, and biology for that matter. Because should the gametes create a zygote from "Mo' heat, mo' motion." it's a great way to remember how to have sex.
Roy: I'm really not understanding why this reaction goes faster in the warm water than the room temperature water.

Mr. Larson: Roy, it's an easy thing to remember, "Mo' heat, mo' motion." When heat is added to the solution it goes faster due to more motion of the particles in the solution colliding more frequently.

Roy: Now I get it! Mo' heat, mo' motion.
by aeijklmoty November 5, 2009
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1.: one step below a gargy 2.: one who invests in lottery like a 401k 3.: calls spouse old lady or old man 4.: lacks personal hygiene
by yani christopoulos January 17, 2004
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The tag team name of the infamous Sharod and desIREE bKa: "MOMO" and "REyREY"
yall got FUNK..dont bring it ta US
by MOMO and REYREy December 3, 2004
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the green plant that grows in between your willy flaps when your don't wash for 18 years be careful it is really dangerous and can give you cokcokcok
oh you have some mos mos in your moist willy cracks
by bananagirl456 March 10, 2016
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Mo Mo Eh means "mom love" ( translated in Karen ). This name is is from a Karen language. It's a very loving name to be given.
Mom: Mo Mo Eh!!
Me: Ahaha, mo mo eh noh yah

( ahaha, mom really loves me ) XD
by Mother of god this is my child December 4, 2019
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