by pussyslayer009 April 23, 2017
Definition - used as a exclamation! when two people have similar ideas, or, share convergent thought patterns.
Gestures - it is often accompanied by a hand gestures. where the persons two hands are clenched and brought together.
Pronunciation - the word collide is said with the emphasis on the -ide. which is typically drawn out. i.e. COL-I...DE! as to sound as though the word collide is spelt with several I's
Origin - within the scientific academic elite of the UK, the word collide developed an alternative meaning to the traditional use within the English language. the word COLLIDE! used at the end/or beginning of a sentence has been incorporated into popular scientific language throughout many universities and associated social circles.
Gestures - it is often accompanied by a hand gestures. where the persons two hands are clenched and brought together.
Pronunciation - the word collide is said with the emphasis on the -ide. which is typically drawn out. i.e. COL-I...DE! as to sound as though the word collide is spelt with several I's
Origin - within the scientific academic elite of the UK, the word collide developed an alternative meaning to the traditional use within the English language. the word COLLIDE! used at the end/or beginning of a sentence has been incorporated into popular scientific language throughout many universities and associated social circles.
person A: the elements in this rock suggest is is formed from melted mantle contaminated by the crust.
person B: COLLIDE! i was thinking the same thing
person A: i fancy eggs for breakfast
person B: COLLIDE! (its funny you should say that), i just this moment put them on
person B: COLLIDE! i was thinking the same thing
person A: i fancy eggs for breakfast
person B: COLLIDE! (its funny you should say that), i just this moment put them on
by subduction_docking April 18, 2011
Reality show term (apparently) meaning to scare the living hell out of a famous pop star and cause her to increase her personal security detail.
"Remember, Nicki Menaj, you and I are gonna do a collide!"
"Crap, Joe! American Idol sure has some freakyshit on that show!"
"Crap, Joe! American Idol sure has some freakyshit on that show!"
by bukowsky January 19, 2013
1. When two objects smack into one another.
2. An incredibly good goth / industrial band, who make sensual, beautiful music. Discover at
2. An incredibly good goth / industrial band, who make sensual, beautiful music. Discover at
1. The car collided with the wall.
2. This new Collide album has made me do a merry little dance in it's honour.
2. This new Collide album has made me do a merry little dance in it's honour.
by StigmataMartyr July 30, 2004
by heyhilol July 12, 2011
by cinbin February 16, 2017
He is very short, handsom, black, and muscular. They call people "silly" a lot. They're very concieted. They like to use foul language as much as possible, such as: fuck, bitch, hell, etc. They a lot of times think they can get whatever girl they want. They most times have very deep voices. Sometimes they are diabetic. They also like to tell people what to do.
by Shaquiquiqui February 6, 2013