A very Addicting game Made by Notch.

The first time you play it its fun. Next time you play it your addicted and cant get off.
Person 1: Wanna over for the night.
Person 2: Nah Ive got too many chores.
Person 1: Such as?
Person 2: Build a house of bricks. Kill green exploding guys and the list goes on...
Person 1:Are you talking ABOUT minecraft?
Person 2:How did you know?
by Epicdonut12 December 16, 2011
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A Java based game that just kick ass. People who play it just keep digging all the day in a marvelous world. This game is made for real gamers, since it requires the same graphic card than Modern Warfare 2, and even. Of course, when you face a so visually great game, you immediatly get addicted. Minecraft is genious!
Joseph : Hey bro why aren't you getting you ass out sometimes instead of playing that gey Minecraft crap?!
Anatole :Fine, just let me dig myself out..
by Arteymis November 5, 2010
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A code word for the illegal but hopefully soon to be decriminalized drug marijuana. Minecraft which is a video game, relates to weed in a earthy way.
by Acerocks76 December 24, 2013
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A game with simple graphics and fun free roam created by Markus Persson and Jens Bergensten . It has a PC and Mac version with 14.3 million users and counting. A Xbox 360 and Xbox One version with over 10 million sold copies. And a PS3, PS4, and PSVita version with 1 million sold copies. It has mixed reviews with gamers and is the most played game ever created.
Person 1:Hey, want to play some minecraft?
Person 2:Sure! Computer or Console?
by ModernDayGamer July 7, 2015
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The meeting place of all annoying 10-12 year olds. Nobody knows what they are talking about because they are speaking in a very broken English that scientists suspect are from the child being hit in the head so hard that his head slammed into the keyboard.
Jim: Tim, do you play minecraft?
Tim: yersh i em tho gud it ti
by DrPooptickler December 30, 2015
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A person who has a very large penis and smashes Alex for 20 hours per 20 hours
"bro are you a minecrafter???" "Hell yea" "HOLY SHIT"
by Jjjkwksjdjr March 27, 2020
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Basically like a drug once you get it you can never stop using it
Kid 1:Dude wanna go play Cod black ops

Kid 2:*flips other kid off* Shut up I'm building a tunnel in minecraft that goes from one side of the map to the other so fuck off!
Kid 1:Fine ill go play by myself
by tehsnipingninja123 August 29, 2011
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