An often overused antic in modern culture where one man (or small group) face incredibly overwhelming odds and win. Generally only met with "dude" and "sick" from bro's and frat boys, and met with chargin from people with brains.
"Dude Master Chief just jumped out of a space ship and blew up that other ship. Then he single handedly killed 4.5 million aliens with his bare hands... sick."

"That end fight in Saving Private Ryan was such an obvious case of Master Chief Syndrome I'm suprised anyone can keep a straight face."
by Jackel_623 February 1, 2010
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This occurs when you take a small ball i.e. tennis ball, baseball, etc. and then you knut all over it, effectively creating a sticky plasma grenade. then you throw it at a bitch
The bitch wasn't putting out so i decided to master chief that ho with my tennis ball
by McLovin1174 January 14, 2008
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1. A slang term for playing halo

2. Another way of saying you want to smoke weed
Billy: Aye nigga, you wanna go master chief em?
by H4x0rPwnz0r March 18, 2008
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Ploy by the Catholic church to make saints über-cool. See also saint rambo and saint robocop.
The Catholic Church brings you Saint Master Chief, patron saint of the xbox.
by mortimerjones November 24, 2004
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Master Chief Gaming is a badass super gamer
Yo is that Master Chief Gaming?
Holy shit, it is!
by Master Chief Gaming April 1, 2021
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the most badass mother fucker on the earth. capable of killing an entire army of terrorist assholes just with his thoughts of how he would kill them.
: Did you hear about that Navy SEAL master chief?

: No, what happened?

: Al Qaeda died for him because he needed a holiday.
by evmiloqui April 24, 2011
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a person obssessed with Final Fantasy VII, saying that FF7 pwns anyhting...easily!
Look out! We are dealing with one big heroic master chief. EAT BABIES!!!!!!!!
by m a p l e j e t March 24, 2004
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