Someone kinda weird or creepy that hangs around in an awkward way
Stop being a lurk at this party
by Stymaster March 4, 2015
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Extremely unliked person who at any chance of social interaction does not succeed. Usually found persistantly following a group of people whom strongly dislike him/her. Has few positive aspects of their personality. The term is generally used unreasonabely and excessively in a wide range of situations.
He's such a lurk hes following us AGAIN!!
by The Oxford Dik-tionary April 3, 2009
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when a person pops into the view of a camera behind the original subjects of the picture at the last second, often so only a portion of their face is showing
Do you see how many times I'm in the background in these pictures? I'm a professional lurk.
by gou May 1, 2007
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To be present at an event or browse social media with more effort than most without being noticed. Ever. This can count lurkers from Twitch.Tv and other websites the stream videos, not necessarily live ones. These people usually get famous.
Someone who lurks while watching a livestreamer, watches for 3 and a half years but never subscribes, donates, or speaks in chat.
by Pegu March 8, 2015
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A term used by white people, of a higher socio economic background, to describe an african american or latino person standing within a one mile radius of a white neighborhood.
White Man 1: "Look at that guy lurking over there, he's probably going to steal something."

White Man 2: "yeah look at him, hes so black."
by Titanium Knight August 19, 2013
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1) Lurk is the act of slaughtering your enemies while remaining concealed in the shadows

2) A way to peruse the babes at a pub while seated in one of the booths with a pint of guiness
Guy #1: Dude!
Guy #2: What?
Guy #1: Where did Jim's head go?
Guy #3("Jim"): *Gurgle*
Guy #2: Oh shit, Guy #4 seems to be lurking.
Guy #1: I say!
by Kermit the Wise June 30, 2010
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A lurky person, someone who just stands out and creeps on you, doesnt look like you would ever talk to them
WOW look at that lurk over there with the chuck taylors
by Dan Slim July 14, 2005
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