I'm gonna quit my job tomorrow, but I don't want anyone to know yet so keep it on the low low.
by carlbear August 11, 2005
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A term used to describe the epitome of toolness. Someone who is so incredibly toolular they need an entire hardware store to separate themselves from those of lesser tool status.
Karl Rove is a tool
Dick Cheney is a tool box
Dubbya is a Lowes
by TiCbeast May 17, 2008
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Lowe is like cba

said like 'loud' but with a W instead of a D
'wanna come to the shop?'
...'Lowe that!'
by Scoot! October 12, 2008
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Harold: We are so high right now
Kumar: (laughing) We're not low
by rGodj May 4, 2008
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A large group of people, like a physical group or a school or club. The term meaning those people are tools and Lowes is filled with a bunch of tools.
Barry is over there in Lowes.
by Walstrom May 30, 2007
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