A piece of hated child-safety equipment that could have saved Harambe.
"Yeah, if they had just used a child leash Harambe would be alive"
by kifferen December 22, 2016
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A leash designed to keep a retard at bay. It can be made to attach to the chest or the neck of the supposed retard.
HEY LADY!! Put that crazy retard on a Tard Leash.
by elcamino88 December 10, 2007
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A song by KoRn, Metal gods, probably one of the biggest hits they made. Excellent Vid.

A retard on a length of string maybe? Ever seen jet Li, Unleashed. that wuold be one...
daffeni "like omg like what is she like doing girlfriend?"
Garbeldina "i like totally dont know, omfg wtf its totally mingin' like"
by aaron_5 August 13, 2005
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When someone is 'done' with the relationship but still has ties to them it is referred to as having a "Sucker leash". Basically always having an excuse for when a Sucker attack occurs.
Him: So i let my ex keep my dog

Me: Nah thats a sucker leash
by *R3b3l!c!0u$* October 9, 2021
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The umbilical cord in Arkansas. It can not be cut and used to control the baby.
She went to the kicthen and all the sudden had her 19th baby. Quick catch it,its a fast one. Wait I have an Arkansas leash. Come back here Jebadiah
by Justin was here November 10, 2010
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Pronunciation: \ˈfiŋ-gər\ \ˈlēsh\
Function: noun
1: a symbol restraining an individual, wedding band b: a piece of jewelry that restrains : the state of being restrained <keeping someone on a tight leash>
"Grow some balls, man!!! That bitch has you on a finger leash!"
by PaxVobiscum November 20, 2008
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a phrase of description used when the word freak is simply not a large enough word to contain their freakishness. (the person being described probably belong on a leash too.)they are either extremely weird, perverted, or stalkerish.
Person #1: OMG did that freak on a leash Cameron just start humping your shoulder for no reason? EWWWW!
Person #2: EW now i have to burn my sweater!
Person #1: Omg what is that kid Noah wearing? A SILVER TUXEDO? WHAT?
Person #2: wow what a freak on a leash
Person #1: Is that CAMERON peering through your WINDOW? EEKKKKKK! ITS A FREAK ON A LEASH!
Person #2: No smart one, thats your reflection. But Cameron IS a freak on a leash
by Beckley April 27, 2009
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