(pronounced ja-bro-knee)-being really sketchy or just a bum. truly a mangy person to their core.
if im acting dumb or being a bad friend, im jabronious.

Jude Law is the opposite of a jabroni, because he is legit.

the hobo on the side of the street is a jabroni because he always kicks my tires when I stop at the light.
by callmekman November 5, 2010
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A square. One who poses out. A pussy.
You're damn right i said i hate you, you pathetic piece of jabroni shit, and you can take that to the mother fuckin bank.
by siegemotherfucker October 11, 2007
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1. One who cannot do the simpest tasks.
2. One who continuously creates havocs on the road due to making more than 2 attempts at parallel parking, running a stop sign, going 20 in a 30 mph zone.
3. Generally...an idiot.
1. You jabroni! The bowling ball goes up the lane...not BACKWARDS!
2. Did you see that jabroni? s/he rolled through the stop sign and didn't wait their turn.
by Mr. Spock February 26, 2004
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A term often associated with Turbine Outages in Maine. Often used around Steam Turbines, by graduates of Maine Maritime.
What a fucking Jabroni!
I said the HP turbine, you fucking jabroni!
See if you can get this job done right this time, no more jabroni jobs!
We really got a jabroni when we got him.
I thought we would'nt have a jabroni job if we used the Medford team.
Put your hard hat on you fucking jabroni.
Who was the jabroni that aligned this turbine?
That fucking Jabroni put the pry bar in the packing box.
by Art Hamilton October 23, 2007
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Any red headed person of african heritage.
oh, my! that colored gentleman's head is on fire! nevermind, he's just a jabroni.
by Lavar January 12, 2006
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A dick who acts like their from jerzzy or some one from jerzzy shore
Wtf dude you act like a fucken jabronie
by randomshit100 May 25, 2013
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A word with any meaning you want it to have.
Dude, Taylor is such a jabronie. I mean seriously, he

is really a freak.
by my name is not daeee-ton October 5, 2010
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