program created to make braindead the "smarter" youth of today. the only difference between this and regular school is that IB believes in loading you down with homework in an effort to force you from having a social life or boyfriend/girlfriend. all the teachers seem to think that their class is the ONLY class that we are taking therefore gives us enough homework for 12 classes. Most lucky kids get put in IB in their freshmen year while the unfortunate ones are "chosen" to go to the MYP (middle years program) for 7th and 8th grade. TORTURE!!!!!!!!!!!
Kid one: you see that guy over there?
Kid two: ya
Kid one: he's in IB
Kid two: poor guy's gonna be single for life.
by domi*star March 9, 2009
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IB's operate on a totally Higher Level. (excuse the pun)
by WongWay2011 April 5, 2011
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IB is the shitties school you can go to every time im in class i feel like killing myself , I wish I have never started in this shit, and they give us shit load of homework and assignments, and when I try my best in those assignments they always give me a bad grade like wtf do u want from me hoe.

so in conclusion Ib is a fucking bad school
person1: hey have u heard of ib.
person2: yeah isn't it that shit school with a lot bad teachers that has no life.
person1: YEAH that's about right.
by killtheibschool May 11, 2020
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Commonly thought to be a magnet program, International Baccalaureate was made with the goal of stealing the souls, sleep, and free wills of high school students, thus reducing them into vegetables. Pros include mad BSing skills. Its long, unpronounceable and un-spellable name adds to its elite prominence.
I am, therefore I B
I B, therefore I stress
I stress, therefore IBS
by ysdk February 6, 2014
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International Baccalaureate. It's created to establish the delicate line between intellectuals and riff raff. It's tough, but gives such high lying, cheating, bull shitting, and speaking abilities that it really doesn't matter what you learned, you can sound like you learned everything. Not all IB students are superior to Non-IB students but the average IB students is a much better student and, indeed, person then the average non IB student. The average IB students is elitist, but will probably be your boss/senator/owner later in life.
Riff Raff: Yo son, you aint such hot shit, i is gunna be a rapper fo realz.
IB: Wow, I can't believe my future tax dollars will pay for your numerous offspring.
by RocktheJordan February 2, 2007
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My god Becka, chill that IBS, we'll be at Starbs in a min.
by sisthy November 29, 2015
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Short for the International Baccalaureate Program. It's like walking through a shit-filled bathroom; just hold your breath the whole way through and you should be fine.
Graduated IB student: "Oh shit that was some BAD mothafucking shit in there!"

Graduated Academic Student: "Wanna smoke a joint?"
by CFF1138 February 6, 2011
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