One who masturbates in public.

hob - usually a penis, but genitals in general.

knocker - to "knock" or fondle said genetailia(to masturbate).

Derived most-likely from someone with a fancy dialect.
Example 1:"Dude! I was in the theater and I happened to look over my shoulder and I saw that guy from Pee Wee's playhouse(Pee-Wee Herman.) knocking his hob!"

Example 2:"Okay, so I was walking down the street the other day, and I peered down this alley, right? And before my eyes was a homeless man beating off!"

"Ew! Dude! What a nasty hob knocker!"

Example 3:"I like to be a hob knocker, I think people's reactions to me knocking my hob before their very eyes is...well hilarious!"

Example 4:"So, I was off behind Quiznoes being a hob knocker, and I accidentally jizzed on a stray cat!"
by Saverinator October 13, 2010
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Oh My God! Did you hear about that hob knocker and what he did in the bathroom last week at school!?
by Madzyy Shaww<3 June 30, 2009
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A choice between two (or more) unbearably bad options, also know as a Sophie's Choice. "Hob" is Old English for the Devil, so literally it's the Devil's Choice.

Not to be confused with a Hobson's choice, which is a false choice between option that are essentially the same.
If Trump is not impeached, he will say in Office. If he is removed form Office Pence becomes President and any semblance of s socially just society will be under attack. It's a bit of a Hob's Choice.
by mtnmeister July 21, 2017
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A slang term refering to the act of masturbating derived from the name "Hobbs".
Alex's parents walked in on him hobbing off.
by Eric Hobbs February 12, 2008
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Hob stain is the a stain created by a hob. Used as insult like idiot or nincompoop.
Mike is such a Hob Stain. Wolfy is the hugest Hob Stain I have ever met.
by dettroy November 19, 2010
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A posh style of Dogging. Where the viewers bring there own tea and and biscuits (preferably Hobnob's)!!!
A group from Cambridge University decided to go to a local park for some Hob Nobing.
by hobnobing June 29, 2013
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Most famously featured on the show, iCarly, a hob knocker is a word mainly used by English people. In real definition, a hob knocker is a man, during oral sex, hitting a woman in the face with his dick

On iCarly, it is described as illegal. In actuality, it isn't. It's just really fun
Filmer: Hey, Joe! Be a hob knocker and whack the slut with your dick!

Joe: (whacks woman)
by Gogogoman June 20, 2011
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