cigarettes, squaries, smokes, etc. A word that is basically derived from "habits' obviously used to describe the addictive quality of smoking cigarettes.
"hey man, did you see where my habs ran off to?" "i just got back from the store, i needed to get some habs"
by aliveinchrist December 4, 2007
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A word that evolved from boob or bewb similar to the way t-hot did from tit. The word still holds onto a bit more of its original meaning than t-hot does, however.
Dude, stop being such a b-hab!
by Captain Benjamin September 11, 2006
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When you get kicked off of playstation network for unruly behavior for a set period of time and regularly call mike in the customer service department for counselling
jimmy: so hows your PS3-hab going?
dan: I spent like an hour talking to mike yesterday about my account.
by Ljalmighty February 11, 2011
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Hoe ass nigger that has melon sized calfs and can fuck your wife anytime
by ImA_Person November 20, 2019
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1. Term to describe a friend, relative or someone you don't even know ... when they abruptly upset you. It is generally stated in a louder tone than the rest of your speech.

2. After retelling of the stories in which you have used the term for its def#1 purposes (and laughing) ... it can begin to be used as a greeting or even a term-of-endearment.

3. See also HoAssBitchInTraining/HABI T -- One who observes the antics of an (HAB) and begins to repeat them.

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1. I was about to make that left turn when this HoAssBitch/HAB came through and just cut me off !

2. Hey, good to see you again, HoAssBitch/HAB. ~OR~ Can you hand me that thing over there, please ... HoAssBitch/HAB?

3. Her daughter acts just like her, she's just a HABIT.

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This definition is inspired by my "at the time" 10-year old son, who was arguing with his step-brother over a tee-shirt. In a note, written by the culprit and found after-the-fact ... the actual terminology recorded was:

"Yeah, but he is a fucking ho ass bitch though ... ain't he ?"

Which has since become a house-hold term and circulated amongst a good number of friends and co-workers. (Though he isn't silly enough to cuss around us anymore ... as he may again, never hear the end of how it sounds !)
by MrChris August 22, 2007
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A place for a woman who engages in promiscuous sexual intercourse to rehabilitate into a normal women. Basically, Rehab for whores.
Mom: What you doing on the interweb?
Whore: Selling my body. ;)
Mom: Oh bitch please, your going to whor-hab.
by MLSY! February 25, 2008
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Pronounced HO-Rehab

A place where dirty scandalous whores are sent by their family to change their dick-loving ways and either avoid or quietly abort a teen pregnancy. Usually somewhere cold, boring, and far away from home where there is as little possibility of social interaction as possible and the only men within whoring distance are illiterate farm boys and cows- like Montana, Vermont, or in very extreme cases of sloot, Alaska.
Ricky: Hey joe, did you hear that Megan's parents sent her to boarding school in Alaska?

Joe: Yeah, that bitch got sent to Whore-hab hard!
by Wiley É Coyote August 3, 2013
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