The act of milking a woman doggy style, with a tin pail. Then drinking the milk in front of the now hungry child.
mmm luxury milk.
"Mummy, why is my little brother crying so?"
"Because Daddy was The Greedy Pailer last night, and I have no milk left for him"
by backfootbandit October 29, 2022
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Basically just a way to call someone or your friend a greedy bastard. That's it. You can also say "Lucky Bass" for people who are extremely lucky. This is different from Creeper's Luck since it's only for one person and not a comparison of two people.
"Okay, so I'm gonna need this much money in order to return the deposit."
"Mmm, no. Give me more."
"What do you mean more, I can't give any more money."
"I said more!"
"Wow, you're a Greedy Bass, aren'tcha?."
by RDTurcios August 7, 2021
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Refers to CEO of Emerita Resources David Gower who reallocated a land package owned by shareholders, dropped it for free, and gave it to another company run by his son-in-law. Selfishly doing so for his and his family's own gain at the expense of shareholders.
'Don't trust that management team, they're a bunch of greedy gowers just out to award themselves large bonuses'
by Kevin De December 16, 2022
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The man that thinks the responsibility of taking care of his wife and children is not his problem. Even though he has a good paying job and his wife has a terminal illness.
I asked my husband for gas money and money for our childrens doctor appointment but all he did was fight with me. He's such a greedy bastard!
by beveann January 30, 2012
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A term in football when a player of a team likes to keep the ball all to them self and not pass it
Dennis: Come on Bradley pass to me I'm open
Bradley: No I can do it all alone

Dennis: Oh you ball greedy cunt
by Upstairsdragon February 12, 2014
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A term used to describe a company insider that has enriched themselves at the expense of shareholders. Often, it is done through crafty lawyers and legal work to try to insulate themselves from being caught, or to create credible excuses upon further investigation. Can be used to label company insiders committing embezzlement, fraud, or violating their fiduciary responsibilities. Originated in reference to the CEO of junior mining company Emerita Resources who 'gifted' himself a land package for free at the expense of all other shareholders.
How come the CEO ended up with shares in that new spinoff that the company dropped for no compensation to existing shareholders? What a greedy gower!

That CEO is being a greedy gower by paying himself such a high salary given the stocks poor performance

No wonder he/she doesn't want to make any public appearances and is only reading from scripted statements - he/she is a greedy gower and knows people are pissed!
by Kevin De September 21, 2022
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When a woman takes both of a man's testicles into her mouth and fills her opposing cheeks with each of them. As a squirrel would do.
With my testicles filling her mouth so well she looked just like a little Greedy Squirrel.
by The Loneliest Nacho November 18, 2007
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