If something is disgusting/ugly you would say that it is greasy.
1. I'm not picking up that dog shit, that's so greasy dude.

2. Mate that outfit is so greasy go change!

3. She is looking pretty greasy today man, good think you dumped her!
by shinegreasy December 3, 2014
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Acquired from a misconception while playing call of duty 4 online.
meaning Cool.

can be used as an adjective or a noun.
aww hell greasy thats whats up!
Hey greasy what are you doing?
My nigga.. thats whats greasy!
Hey greasy bo dylan
by Nigbodale May 10, 2009
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I thought Adonis was Greasy. But he's actually a Belch.
by HonkeyCred March 6, 2011
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to be dirty, not shower
"man, that Taura-Roberge chick is greasy!!"
by Tammy Timms April 9, 2008
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A man who like to have sex with other men.He wears a scarf and/or puts grease on his hair.His name usually is Philip, Grigor or Iulian.
Sgtrangle this greasy boy with his scarf!!!
by penio March 22, 2009
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To be a moocher.
To do something messed up to a friend or random person.
To steal another man or womans signifigant other.
To do a crazy act of foolishness.
To be an overall asshole.
To be lazy.
To steal in general.
Finch is a greasy man for skiing naked.
Matt is greasy for being jewish.
Miller is just greasy.
Taking his girlfriend out was greasy Brian.
Bj is greasy for beating Brian's ass all the time.
Rob is greasy because he's lazy and never comes out of his room.

by Tres Caldwell February 23, 2006
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Nasty, but prideful. Usually used to describe a sexual encounter.
“Hey bro I had a threesome with two girls in Miami!”
“That’s greasy af bro, you’re the man!”
by chubman December 28, 2018
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