The guy who doesn't know every songs. He's addicted to Good Morning Tokyo btw. He lives in a cave
Martin Gan came out of his cave
by ascertain102 June 10, 2020
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When you're fingering some fat annoying chic in the backseat of a Lincoln and she won't give you head, So you take your fingers that are still covered in her puss juice and smear it on her face.
The dumb bitch wouldn't give me head, so I gave her the Gan Smear
by Socks610 January 4, 2008
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A logistical impossibility to mere mortals, the mythical Gan's Manoeuvre is the seamless execution of a Donkey Punch / Angry Dragon combination. A successful outcome to this highly specialised reflex action is typified by a stunned and disoriented subject who has had insufficient time to register what had just taken place. The Dirty Sanchez may be applied to complete the sequence although this is considered an optional extra only.

WARNING : Gan's Manoeuvre is not to be confused with the similarly named but entirely different medical procedure known as the Heimlich Manoeuvre. Considered by many as a Level 7 action, Gan's Manoeuvre is to be attempted by experienced practitioners only.
It was a wild and windy night and in the heat of the passion, the planets aligned themselves perfectly against the back drop of a blue moon to allow the legendary Gan's Manoeuvre to unfold ...
by March 29, 2006
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The best daddy, boyfriend and husband ever. He is blue eyed, handsome and lovable. A man who isn't afraid to love a woman that's a beautiful disaster of emotions. He helps when and where he can for those he loves, even if it involves supporting and raising another man's children like his own.
Aaron Gans is such an amazing guy that does not back down from life's battles and would stand up to any challenge for the woman and people he loves.
by Just Peachey October 28, 2018
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The enunciation of SAGN - Spelling And Grammar Nazi.
A description of individuals that delight in highlighting the spelling and grammatical errors of others.
My boss is a say gan.
by d3liam June 2, 2006
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The term gan-gino is derived from the first half of the word gangsta and the whole of the word gino.

Gan-gino - A gino who listens to both 'gino beats' (otherwise known as techno) and rap music. He is most likely decked out in 'ice' (otherwise known as either plastic diamonds from the dollar store or pebbles wrapped in aluminum foil), and carrying an enormous boom box on his shoulder like a true thug. However, there are some Kappa clothes in his closet and he is Italian.

There is something very wrong going on here.
i.e 'Oh my fucking god. Did you see that gino passing by? Fuck, he was hot!'
'Girl, that was a Gan-gino. You should be ashamed of yourself.'
by misscandy April 4, 2004
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To describe an autistic child
That guy is so slow, he is such a GAN CHAI!
by heliosthegod October 25, 2010
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