Another word for Marijuana, Used most in Jamaica but is also used every where else in the world.
Person #1: Hey want some Ganja?
Person #2: Yeah man get totally high off that shit.
by Lofolofo November 4, 2009
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'Marijuana' is the Mexican name given to Cannabis.
Likewise, 'Ganja' is a Jamaican term for Cannabis.
Used all over the world to mean good-quality, hydroponically grown marijuana.
Aye, lets get sum gunja mon.
by Diego November 7, 2003
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ganja , also known as gans .

im effin stoned.. =)
u got them gans?...... im so high.
by johnny potsmoker February 5, 2005
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hash ,pot, puff ,weed ,shit ,gear ,sweet mary jane, solid,resin
by moka choka March 10, 2003
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Sean, Hellsy, Bodhi's fav drug
this ganja rocks
fuck me am stoned off this ganja
by Anonymous January 19, 2003
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The highest of Grade. This is the kind of Weed that will take you higher each toot. The term ganja is ussualy only used to say "this is high!!!". Ask your local Dealer for some "Ganja" next time, you may get a selction of bags.
"Thats some good Ganja mon!"

*softly* "Yeh mate!"

"S*** Son!"
by Dan. M. Watts. August 1, 2008
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