n. The official shoe of the democrat party,also known as Kerry slippers.

v. The actions and change of mind that John Kerry goes through everytime he opens his mouth.
Hey, what color are your Kerry slippers?
by sven June 10, 2004
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When you have literally nothing else to say when in an argument, or when you can't think of an answer quick enough
Person A: Yeah SO like I just said, YOU'RE A RACIST
Person B: uh.... Flip Flop
by ArableLand February 6, 2018
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Flip flops are by far the most annoying shoes on he planet. When you walk up or down the stairs they sound like a bullet being shot. Also if they break there's no way to put them back together.
Flip flops stop being floppy and annoying!!!!!!!
by THE O SO GREAT NERD February 21, 2019
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The weapon your mom bares and its the thing you should fear once you "accidently" told your mom that you declared war by breathing air.
Guy 1: Oh shit my mom is coming i better hide. She is 100% gonna have the flip flop ready in hand.

Guy 2: RIP dude.
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When someone pisses you off so you flip them off but while your doing that and looking at them you stumble and fall on your face while people are looking.
Hey bro, did you see Greg flip-floppinghis ex earlier?
by 1krazy_kid August 16, 2018
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