adj. used to describe a couple or relationship pairing that is unpredictably perfect for each other. The couple in your friendship circle who are each other’s best friends and also partner for life. You wouldn’t have thought of placing them together but when you and you think about it closely you say to yourself - “how did we not put these two together earlier?”. It’s like a soft serve ice cream cone and hot chips - put them together and it’s a magical experience in your mouth. Who knew these two people were so great for one another? Now that’s a fadamy relationship.
This valentine’s day I just want to find me that fad-amy relationship.

They’re so lucky they’ve found their fad-amy love.
by annonymouspenguin August 15, 2021
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A person who quickly and compulsively follows new trends, thoughtlessly abandoning yesterday's bandwagon with lemming-like conviction; someone who jumps from bandwagon to bandwagon.
As soon as Stacy saw the new blog post, she quickly traded out her Spirit Hood for hair feathers. She's such a fad hopper.
by #sostrong February 12, 2014
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People who follow every new trend, fashion, and other pop culture phenomenon, untill something new comes along.

These include the women who buy new designer clothes every "season" and get the latest haircuts, kids who want the very latest toy or gadget, and men who kiss butt on the golf course and show off their Plasma screens.

People who can't think for themselves, but follow along with what everyone else says is "New! and Hip!"
Rich people and Hollywood stars are Fad Hags; so are scene kids.
by Lomia November 27, 2006
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Hating something for the fact that everybody else likes it, not for the fact that the "thing" is good or bad.

For instance, hating a band even though you've never even heard their music simply because everyone loves the band.
He's anti-fadding, because he likes Final Fantasy himself, but he claims to hate it because he hates the fanbase.
by Rabid Nozomi January 2, 2009
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When somebody does something on facebook that is in essence cool but is done so frequently by so many people in such little time that it becomes redundant. Facebook Fads include notes and tag your friend pictures.
Kid 1: Hey man did you see my facebook note last night?
Kid 2: Yeah its the same one I did a week ago its such a Facebook Fad.
by Elkiem September 13, 2009
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Just Jammin Fresh And Def
thanks jessica, youre J.J. FAD!
dayum conna', you look J.J. FAD today
by idkmybff November 3, 2007
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a term used to describe such bands that have one hit and then fade into obscurity, or bands that are never going to be popular because they are just above garage bands on the food chain but their fans are fiercely proud. bands like showbred, autopilot off, and the backstreet boys.
becky92: omg i love dashboard confessional they are teh R0xorz! i <3 them.
andrea5978:ugh i hate them why are you always into fad bands?
Becky92:you are such a bitch! always putting me down!
andrea5978:oh go cry your big emo tears.
by chris wilson (canadian) January 2, 2006
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