A beautiful Latina woman who tends to attract strange Asian men (normally in cars). Also, is very fun-loving and crazy. Loud and slightly addicted to coffee.
Asian guy: Hey I saw an extremely beautiful girl drinking coffee today, as I drove by. I think she was an Esther.
Asian friend: Nice one. I love me some Esther.
by Sexy beast on legs July 28, 2011
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a weird girl that adores rays.she loves to draw and doodle random stuff all the time.she is a very talkative girl and likes to chat with people, even adults!but shes addicted to technology and always breaks the rules...
person #1: wow, esther got all the latest technology!
person #2: yeah, i heard she even got the latest iPhone!
by floweylol January 2, 2018
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A somewhat pessimistic, neagative person who is sarcastic and hates a lot of things. Esther is creative, and likes to draw and play music; although she hates pop music. She is smart but likes to think she is smarter than she is, she will prove you wrong or argue with you at anytime.
Random person ," Eew Esther is here, she's so mean"
by hurmahdur June 22, 2017
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Someone who holds half a cucumber.
You remind me of an Esther, holding that cucumber like that.
by 69Unicorn69 November 23, 2021
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Knows how to seduce you with her beautiful smile and sweet butt all the time planning to get as much as she can out of you while acting sweet and innocent. Not very athletic, a good dancer, actress and loves Greek mythology. Be careful when falling in love with her she will destroy you. Everyone loves her. Her name means “star”.
Omg did you see her acting all sweet and innocent shaking her beautiful ass for the guys, yeah she is a real Esther looking for her next victim to get what she wants before destroying them.
by Howlyboysam November 5, 2018
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Esther is the most sexiest girl you'll ever meet. She might seem shy, but once you get to know her, she's freaky asl.
She's smart, genius level smart, but will never admit to it. She ignores the crap out of people she doesn't have plan on talking to, especially this guy named James Charles, or so he thinks his name is. She might be referred to a the "smart one" the "pretty one" or the "shy girl". She falls head over heels over anyone she has a crush on, and prefers guys who are one year older than her. She's the best at everything she does, and no one can ever tell her otherwise.
Person 1: Yo damn, isn't that the girl you wanted to meet up with?
Person 2: Esther? Ya man, I'm too scared to talk to her tho
Person 1: Look at her go tho. I understand. Girls like that are high maintenance anyway lol
Person 2: She still gonna be mine tho
Person 1: Not if you let me make a move on her first.
by Klaidisgay December 13, 2021
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To ruin situations or friendships by participating in one or more of the following activities: puking on people's furniture, dressing like Blossom, having a massive bush and uneven nipples that you awkwardly cover with a sports bra, stealing people's spotlights, getting involved in everything that doesn't concern you (especially when it comes to the exploitation of homeless people), and wearing high heels with sweatpants at the club.
Did you see her get finger-banged by Junior before puking all over the couch?? Way to completely estherize the place.
by SMDEsther September 4, 2010
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