1 definition by Klaidisgay

Esther is the most sexiest girl you'll ever meet. She might seem shy, but once you get to know her, she's freaky asl.
She's smart, genius level smart, but will never admit to it. She ignores the crap out of people she doesn't have plan on talking to, especially this guy named James Charles, or so he thinks his name is. She might be referred to a the "smart one" the "pretty one" or the "shy girl". She falls head over heels over anyone she has a crush on, and prefers guys who are one year older than her. She's the best at everything she does, and no one can ever tell her otherwise.
Person 1: Yo damn, isn't that the girl you wanted to meet up with?
Person 2: Esther? Ya man, I'm too scared to talk to her tho
Person 1: Look at her go tho. I understand. Girls like that are high maintenance anyway lol
Person 2: She still gonna be mine tho
Person 1: Not if you let me make a move on her first.
by Klaidisgay December 13, 2021
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