Someone who is enthusiastic about subjects of the political realm and seeks education to further their knowledge of politics
Jim is an active political enthusiast.
by The political enthusiast April 2, 2016
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Noun: One who enjoys the sexual pleasures of porn
You are a porn enthusiast
by Haydey June 29, 2008
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Kino Enthusiasts are a select group of talented artists/writers who make and develop different works; as well as take pride in the art of trolling. Everything they do is in the name of kino.
"You're part of the Kino Enthusiasts community? That's so cool dude, I wish I could participate in their tomfoolery."
by dpriris August 29, 2023
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Someone who owns every single vape device and is constantly ripping them. This person also somehow always has money but you never know how they get it/have so much of it. They also cough a lot and sound like they have the flu.
"Damn he sounds like he has mono, he must be a vape enthusiast."
by egirl666 February 26, 2019
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Someone who takes a particular interest in acts that are embarrassing or awkward that make one feel extremely ashamed and/or embarrassed.
Jack: "Wow your performance at stand up comedy was so cringe I was so embarrassed for you! I can't believe you won at Jackbox party!"
Anna: "Thanks, I'm a cringe enthusiast!"
by quarantinebananas April 11, 2022
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Synonymous to a banana gobbler; a woman who loves to eat cock; a promiscuous woman who fucks on the first date.
She wants to relinquish her past history of being an eggplant enthusiast and finally settle down into a committed relationship.
by Gabz718 September 29, 2019
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Politically correct term for a crackhead.

One who appreciates crack but is generally does so in a dignified manner by refraining from prostituting oneself or stealing from ones family to pay for crack.

One who is particular about his or her crack demanding only the finest shit.
Kim: "Tyrone you a crackhead'

Tyrone: "Kim we prefer the term crack enthusiast"

Example 2

This will simply not do, this is made with generic baking soda and is not fit for a crack enthusiast such as me.
by dos cracquis May 26, 2010
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