The Part Off Being High, Where Everything Becomes Motionless, By Smoking Large Amounts of Marijuana.
Dude...I'm So Fucking Doofed!
by AStonerXD May 23, 2011
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"did you hear what john did yesterday? he was totally doofing!!"

"duuudee. lets doof together!"
by greatday87 October 26, 2011
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Past (and most frequently used) tense of "doof", it is to inflict serious amounts of pain from something. Commonly used in the passive voice.
Bob just got DOOFED by that truck!
by Joe Drago February 4, 2003
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Minneapolis-area slang for a cigarette.
"Yo man let's go smoke a doof"


"Hey man you can I bum a doof off you?"
by jazzersizer69er_89 April 13, 2013
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When you fart out your dickhole

"The male queef"

He who doofs is a doofus
Jerry: Sorry guys

Steve: What?

Jerry: i doofed in the punch :(

Steve: awh, jerry you shitdick!

Kyle: dude what the fuck!?

Danielle: I just drank some, it's not that bad.

Steve: It smells now... i can taste it in the air..

Jerry: and the steak....

All: WTF!?!

Danielle: what didnt you doof on?

Steve: Im eating fucking doofsteak!
by the doofus master April 4, 2010
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A sound effect made by someone to emphasize when something is hit with high impact of any kind, be it a punch, a car slamming into a brick wall, a gunshot, or a high impact fart launching out of someones tight rectum with the force of ten typhoons.

You usually want to stretch out the "F" sound, as if it's a sniper rifle shot resonating through the air.
"Yo what's 'doof'? You keep saying that and it's confusing me."
"Oh! Allow me to demonstrate" *winds up punch and slams fist into their face* "DOOOOOOOOF"
by fartsensei69 January 24, 2020
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A person who is a straight up doof schmoof who loves to eat ass and play fortnite.
Danny has the biggest doof poop who loves to schnob on a cob..
by Dirk is Sleep May 11, 2018
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