A person who prefers to physically engage and/or sleep exclusively with C-level executives. Derived from the phrase "C (sea)-level jumper."
Man, did you see John all over the CFO from Schwartz last night? He's such a dolphin.
by else_vanderbild February 5, 2014
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another name for smokes(ciggarates) used as a secret code in front of elderly people and other smoke blockers. especially parents and family.
lets go for a Dolphins bro.. muhahahha they dont know what the f*** we r on about.
by KOB69 September 24, 2011
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It's when your in the vagina of a female and then put it in the anus unexpectedly and they make a dolphin nose
We went at it last night and I full out " dolphin-Ed " her
by Damnboyyourhard March 15, 2016
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The annoyingly loud screech young girls make when they get together in groups.
Guys: Hey girls, what's up?
Girls: OMG, they like totally checked us out! EEEEEEEEEEEE!
Guys: F#$*ing Dolphins...
by Lanalin September 21, 2005
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To mistakenly place your penis in your girl's anus in the act of love making; causing her painful, surprised, and totally ancestral grell (combination growl and high pitched yell) causing her to sound like a dolphin,

I.e.: Gnnnnngaaaahhhh,eeeeeekkkkkkkk, NAghhhhhhhhh, or any combination thereof.
1. Don't dolphin her while doggy style bro . Aim like Robin Hood.
2. Sorry I dolphined you ,babe.

3. Don't dolphin me bae. That shit ain't funny !!!!!!!
4. An intentional and allowed dolphin outcome is truffle butter.
by Bertikus Maximus June 26, 2017
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