A kind of "sixth sense" that allows a flamboyantly homosexual man, or masculine homosexual woman, to play up their macho/feminine side upon entering a "gay-unfriendly" area.
Les's gaydar detector was going crazy when she drove to Laramie.
by dachagalluntum November 7, 2009
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A machine taught to detect thots with radar vision and then destroy the with the THOT DESTROYER 6900 gun.
A.K.A. thot detector means "hoe Finder"
T.H.O.T. detectorthot is a hoe," with the plural being "thotties." Other definitions, however, reveal a little more about how the word itself came to be: "Thot" is actually an acronym that can either stand for "that hoe over there" or "thirsty hoe over there." and detector meaning

Robot: "Thot Detected!'a device or instrument designed to detect the presence of a particular object or substance and to emit a signal in response.
gay friend: " you need that. It has radar vision to detect and destroy thots."
Me: 'k lmaooooo"
by UR GRANNY TRANNIE April 22, 2018
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Someone who always shows up right after you spark the endo.

Snoop Dogg in Half Baked is a good example of a smoke detector.
"Shit nigga, I can smell that chronic, lets get a puff"

"yo fuck you mufuckin smoke detector motherfucker"
by Nategeezy October 30, 2007
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See sarcasmometer.

Ones ability to detect sarcastic undertones in a conversation.

The principle of a detector can also be applied to gender and sexuality.
Person 1: Do you like this Cowboy Hat? I think it looks good on me.
Person 2: Yeah, you look -real- cool.
Person 1: Thanks!
Person 2: ...I think your sarcasm detector is broken.
by Espiria June 10, 2006
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Polish Mine Detector
The Polish mine detector is an innovation which dates back to The WWII. The PMD is without doubt the most famous Polish innovation ever and this is not a coincidence - an average Polish individual has got two Polish mine detectors.
The Catholicism secures the production to fill needs over the mine fields worldwide. Though these devices are considered as hi-tech, still they're relatively cheap due to the mass production.
The humanity hasn't died yet, thanks to the PMD!
Media mogul Ted Turner once stated a rhetoric question to his audience while kicking his leg in the air:
"Ever seen a Polish mine detector.."

Polish Polaks polaks polish polish mine detector innovation hi-tech foot feet mine fields mine
by O.W.H. May 14, 2012
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Device used to sound an alarm if anything increases in size by over 2 Inches, more elaborite systems have a Laser used to disintergate the object.
Pretty Obvious? if not, then go ask your dad.
by Kestrel April 16, 2005
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