Snoop "Dogg"

D-O-double G

Spells "Dogg" as in Snoop Dogg
Da da da da daaaI
t's the one and only

It's tha mothafuckin' D O double G

you can also say "one and only d o double g" instead of "mothafuckin' d o double g"
by Julius Kang March 20, 2016
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A noble cause often used for the purposes of evil
Person 1: Hey did you see we are going to kill people to spread freedom!
Person 2: Yeah, lets force that freedom on their asses

How can the war be bad? we are spreading F r e e d o m
by Devster April 9, 2006
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An overrated value of denouncing all sorts of economical, political, cultural, familial, psychological, spiritual and emotional bounds, which once -if ever- achieved leaves one with immense anguish due to the unbearable burden of taking responsibility for certain choices and simultaneously excluding endless others and giving up the sweet warmth of being able to blame others. Such desperation leads one to reconsider the value of freedom and makes one often wish that ones freedom is quickly taken back in order for one to regain a sense of identity and blissfully start blaming others again.

The peaceful sense of fulfilment achieved by a spiritual being who has completed the process of growth, by successfully taking responsibility for his/her choices, feels content with his/her life's work and relational evolution and is ready to move on from life.
You have the F r e e d o m to do whatever you want, (as long as it is what I want).
adult child: o.k. (as long as I can blame you for the rest of my life).

I am not hoping for anything,
I am not afraid of anything,
I have F r e e d o m!

Nikos Kazantzakis
by Aniretak October 12, 2007
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Dr. Dre:
"who d'u think brought u the O.Gs,
Eazy-Es, Ice Cubes and D.O.Cs
Snoop D-O double Gs, (s-n-double-o-p-d-o-double-g)
And the group that said muthafuck the police."
by kevT November 16, 2005
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a character from danganronpa the term g u n d o m t a n a k a means something
person 1;

person 2:
are you very happy?
by iamacacia November 12, 2020
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Overdoseing or Overdoing
Making something out to be something it isnt or blowing things out of proportion

Or Doing More Than Enough Drugs At 1 Time
Larry:Dude..I Heard You Fucked Jen
Seth: Man You Are O-D-ing
by AkuaNura May 14, 2008
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