A combination of crappy,tacky and spectacular rolled up into one.
by John Taylor January 12, 2004
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The opposite of spectaluar.
"This month is a combination of craptacular events and hopefully something amazing."
by tRauma26100 October 14, 2009
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A sarcastic remark for something that is 'crap' with a fancy ending on the end of the word
OMFG Poetry in english is soo craptacular

Omg those flouro tights on that fat chick are even more so. craptacular
by Sherii February 15, 2008
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Completely misplaced and inaccurate
The use of a contraction (you're - you are) instead of the posessive pronoun (your) in the example "You're home movies are craptacular, Chris" is CRAPTACULAR.
by Hemo Filiac February 17, 2005
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Sucking liberal amounts of dick, in the metaphorical sense that something is bad; biting ass.
"Well, that throw was craptacular!"
by Franksta June 8, 2003
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When something is beyond the normal crappy (feeling)(emotion )i
How r u feeling? Craptacular, and u? stated by Grade z celb. Boto Winter
by Boto Winter January 25, 2016
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Unlike shit-tacular, craptacular is something not spectacular. The words spectacular and spectacle both share 'spec-' and a rather good meaning, so if 'spec-' were to be traded in for 'crap-' surely the emphasis of the word would be turned around in an equally bad way.
Me:'Your gaming skills are craptacular.'
Me:'...You suck.'
by Trunks November 17, 2003
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