A Net Consulting Company is a consulting company that deals specifically with the internet and internet related issues, as opposed to a management consulting, IT consulting, public relations consulting, etc. It’s important to ask your net consulting company what areas of expertise they have because not all net consulting companies specialize in the same areas.
A net consulting company helps online businesses with things like web design and eCommerce. Net consulting companies are not who you call to fix a fishing net or basketball net.
by Jack K. White August 19, 2010
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Web consulting companies typically specialize in one or more of the following areas:

-- Web & Graphic Design
-- Search Engine Marketing
-- Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Marketing
-- Organic Lead Generation
-- Social Network Management
-- Social Network Advertising & Marketing
-- eCommerce Setup and Execution

Universal Web Consulting companies are able to assist clients with all of these areas of interest.
I didn't realize that I would need to hire a PPC consulting company after my website was designed. I should have found a universal web consulting company that could have designed my site and helped me with advertising.
by Jack K. White August 19, 2010
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if you don't know what this means, its because its a fancy way of describing a travel agent.

Basically, if you aren't the brightest bulb in the box, you might need to hire one of these experienced professionals.

Otherwise theres always a computer.
Person A: " The easy-jet website confuses me"

Person B: " maybe you should hire a corporate travel consultant"

Person A: " Whats that...? Ohh, you mean a travel Agent?"

Person B: " Yes that's right, i can recommend you one in fact, Ealing common has the best deals and the cheapest service"

Person A: " isn't it just a bit excessive paying someone to do this for you?"

Person B: "Not really, its only like asking someone to wipe your arse and then paying them for it"
by ganga child May 15, 2012
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A common phrase used in consulting to refer to a situation in which a consultant tells the client or a colleague to go fuck themselves. Originates from the feature film “The Other Guys” in which Will Ferrell’s character discharges his firearm inside a police station at his desk.
Person 1: The client refused to give me the information I needed so I told them to go fuck themselves.

Person: Whoa! That was your first consultant desk pop! Let’s go get hammered!
by Tired Consultant March 9, 2021
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From the movie 'Fast Times at Ridgemont High'. A skeevy loser that hooks up with underage girls because of his job at the mall and ability to drive them to 'the point' in his '78 T-Bird.
"I've known him since high school, and he's still banging 16 year-olds that come into the Radio Shack. He's totally Ron Johnson, Audio Consultant!"
by ~x~barbird~ v January 7, 2009
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A professional body that provides pro bono research and consultancy services to NGOs, start-ups and corporations like Uber, ITC, Akzonobel and many more, while simultaneously ensuring a smooth and joyous learning experience that would help in CV and profile building as well.
Every Commerce student has two dreams: first is to get admission in SRCC, and the second is to get enrolled in Shri Ram Consulting and Research Centre.
by SRCRC Fanclub Head November 30, 2021
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