A strange practice amongst dentists whereby when the patient is out under anastesia they slap the patients genitals with a cods head.
Hence the phrase " I even managed to charge her for the codding "
" She was well and truly codded"
" Do you know I went to the dentist and came back with my chuff stinking of fish , I think the dirty bastard codded me "
"I always find that the old patients are the best for codding."
by pikey68 October 29, 2011
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stands for Call of Duty.
Is a first person militry themed video game which usually includes an online multiplayer co-op called 'zombies' where you have to survive against zombies which get powerful in quantity;
Also there are offline campaign story modes with AI and modes where you fight other players.
Over all a highly rated game.
hey, want to play CoD with me?
by jayden420 January 6, 2021
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In the Northeastern U.S.: A colloquialism for the female vagina, often used with a negative connotation (i.e., smelly or dirty), although not always. Particularly common among the Italian-American communities of New England, where it developed as a calque for "baccalà" in Neapolitan (or vise-versa).
Example 1:

Aaron: Hey, how's this outfit look for the party tonight? I'm hoping to bring home a fox tonight.
Jake: Jesus Christ Aaron, what the f*ck are wearing? I'll tell you this: you're not catching ANY cod tonight wearing those date-rape slacks, that's for sure!

Example 2: (in town, at a night club)
Big-Paul: Hey Tony, you see that broad that just leff with Nico?

Tony: Yeah, whadda 'bout 'a?

Big-Paul: Kid, that's John-John's ex-girl.
Tony: Oh man, wasn't she some sorta, like, wicked puttana or somthin'?
Big-Paul: Yeah. Dude, he tole me that her cod smelt like fu**in' open ass an' that that's why they broke up in the firs place.
Tony: Aw, poor fu**in' Nico! I wonde' ha long it takes 'em te figure out she's packin' baccalà!
Tony & Big-Paul: Haaaa hahahaha!
by mnooch October 1, 2022
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Cod...Call of Duty. A way to spend your maths, science and english lesson wisely and productively.
"Oi, m8, wahts the fookin cod server?"
"Fuk off, ure not even level 55, ya tosser!"
by xXx_369Sw@gSc0p369_xXx October 21, 2015
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Creepy Older Dude
The ones who look at their teenage daughters' friends in a sketchy way. The ones who give "too long" neck rubs to interns.
Watch out for CODs at the beach - leering at you behind their sunglasses, thinking their wives don't notice.
by Sam 18015 December 27, 2017
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A type of fish and not a violent game : /
Hey son let's catch some Cod
by Makeysa December 23, 2022
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