To ignore someone in a chat room by hitting the ignore button.
-johndoe: hey mary i wanna cum all over you!!
-Mary: johndoe <click>
by Anonymous November 5, 2002
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hey did you see Ms. December in click click, she has a big ol plate in her lip.
by bill February 19, 2004
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My friend was going 120 clicks when he was pulled over by a police officer.
by zensunni October 4, 2008
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A medical phenomenon (similar to possiballs), when a woman's clitoris is so large it resembles a less attractive looking male sexual organ.
Steve: "Last night was the first time me and Meghan made love, but I'm afraid it may be the last since her click dwarfs my penis."

Donaldo:"That's too bad. Maybe a pair of scissors will come in handy"
by jdiddy1032 February 15, 2011
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1. A misspelling of the word Cliques.

2. Pictures taken on a digital camera.
1. High Schools are a breeding ground for cliques such as the goth, emo, skater, and prep cliques.

2. My camera has 23,483 clicks on the shutter.
by kyebosh June 25, 2006
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A clit lick.

The equivalent of a blow job for girls.

Another way to say getting head, getting face, being eaten out, for women since it combines "clit + lick" into click.
Girl says, "wow I want a click"

Oh click me, oh yeah

God I want that guy to click me all night.
by Master Clicker June 5, 2010
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