Charlotte is an introverted girl who loves to read. She is a great writer, even though she doesn't like to write. She often uses big words that nobody knows the definition of. She also rants on about random things, and gets louder and louder and uses bigger and bigger words as she go's on. Once you get to know her, she will be one of the best people you will ever meet in your lifetime.
Person1 "Who is that girl over there reading Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire?"

Person 2 " Oh that's Charlotte."
by Guinea_Pig November 30, 2018
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One of the best friends you could ever have! She's loyal, beautiful, caring, kind and always knows what to say to cheer you up. No matter what happens, she'll be there for you. She's a geek that doesn't check her scores on anything until the end of the year because she panics when she goes to. She's super cute and loves to have fun with her friends and they all love her to bit, her and her cute teddies!
3rd floor resident (1): "Who's the nicest person on third floor?"
3rd floor resident (2): "Definitely Charlotte."
by ToyStory May 23, 2012
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A very beautiful girl/ woman, she is very loyal she is very kind hearted and genuine. Charlottes are the Best as everyone likes her. Charlotte is a French word meaning gorgeous.
by Lottie.111 on snap October 10, 2018
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Charlotte is a lovely caring person, she has a mix of joking and being funny and being smart, Charlotte is beautiful, hot, amazing, funny, gorgeous, and an all round great friend. Anyone who knows Charlotte knows that she is good at roasting people but also caring for them anyone who knows a Charlotte are lucky to have a person in their life like her, if she is your best friend you should keep her and never let her go. But if she’s your girlfriend your the luckiest guy in the world and should never ever let her go she makes you smile when you are down she holds your hand when you are annoyed and she hugs you like it’s the first time even if it’s the twentieth time and if your lucky maybe one day she’ll give you a kiss
Charlotte should be a person who is held onto
by Cringe I know April 9, 2018
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A person who is a fantastic friend,Beautiful,loyal,understanding,trustworthy,caring,loyal and good with advice.Always there for her friends at anytime. Great fun to hang out with slightly crazy but her friends love her, Shes daring and adventurous which also adds to her wonderful personality. She has a great sense of humour too.
Charlotte is my bestfriend
by AmyRobyn2202 August 4, 2011
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One of the best people you will ever meet, Will always have your back no matter what and is completely trustworthy, she is beautiful with a great personality but she might often not realise it. Usually puts everyone first and will always help friends, you can always have a laugh and a good time with such person. Hates people talking behind her back which is fair enough. If you meet someone like this don't lose them you'll regret it.
Person 1: I met someone called Charlotte the other day.

Person 2: Don't lose her she is worth the time trust me.
by SomeRandomDudeTbh November 25, 2019
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