when you record yourself tasing your genitals and send it to everyone you know including family
“What did you do lastnight Brad?”

“Oh I had some pizza and did a real nice Dirty Cedric before going to sleep. Didn’t you get my video?”
by birdshitt_ April 17, 2020
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The black cousin of Santa Claus, but instead of bringing presents, he robs you of house and home.
La'Shaunda: "Momma, momma, Cedric Claus musta' come las' night cuz our TV be gone!"
by bcktwngrl March 17, 2011
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The hottest man alive, yeah you may be thinking "He died in the goblet of fire", yeah well to me he's alive so fuck off and let me live my dreams. Cedric is hot idc what ya'll have to say about it.
Some asshole: Cedric Diggory died I don't get what you mean
Me: You will never feel the pain I feel every time I watch gof so shush
by cedriciscool December 2, 2021
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a ginger who is funny and cute. he likes to use the word silly all the time and makes smiley faces like this :-). he also plays soccer. he can be a player but also really sweet. he needs to find his phone charger. he likes to go riding on ice. and dont worry he wont fall through and die. he recently got a big haircut.

Thats so cedric murley :-)
by -anonymous211 January 22, 2011
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stu’s lifeline to getting his knob spanked in the back of on the rox
medford : “cedric’s hoes are here”
stu : “yay, now i can get tossed
by fatherfright August 8, 2022
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when you are drunk so you decide to eat a girls pussy and almost throw up from the body fluids on your face while in the act. then remember you're tapped out so you can't counter that shit
'hey, did you see cedric tonight?'
'yes, but he was pulling a dirty cedric.'
by bingo404 April 16, 2020
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A gorgeous Hufflepuff in the Harry Potter film "The Goblet of Fire"

Cedric is by far the most attractive character in this film and should not have been "Killed off" as J.K Rowling put it
he did not deserve his horrific death and will be remembered by all Cedric stans
(Also a Daddy)
Man Cedric Diggory is hot
by immidiggory22 November 28, 2020
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