Something you use so you can use to charge your phone. So you can talk to your girlfriend & she doesn't get mad.
My phones on 1% I'm gonna go plug it up to my phone charger.
by Softball1379 November 18, 2015
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What a girl asks a man when she wishes to sleep with him.
Girl: Oh hey, can I borrow your phone charger?
Man: Errr, are you asking if you want to sleep with me?
Girl: Yes, Yes I am.
by mr. pseudonym12345 December 12, 2013
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To lend your cell phone charger to someone.

Derived from the penis-like appearance of many charger plugs.
"Hey Dude, can you man whore-out (your cell phone charger) to me for a couple of hours? My battery is completely flat."
by cmac095 December 7, 2011
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When your day or activity was so good that you didn't even look at your phone.
Describing duration of time in which you were enjoying yourself so much it was as if your phone was at home on the charger.
Bro how was your weekend? Bro Phone on Charger we were on the lake all weekend.
by mrshadowperson July 19, 2024
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