1.fine ass dude
2. so fine u wanna fuck him
There are to many cactuses in here for me to handle
by Victoria Knight May 15, 2004
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The only word ever needed to be said, especially on the phone. it's teh best stuffs!
Cactus... Cac-tussssss
by Tim Wochomurka November 17, 2003
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another word for "double-truck" which is a phrase used in newspaper editing to refer to a spead page that has a theme and multiple articles applying to it.

it was created by the nyack high school spectrum editors in chief and advisor.
Mrs Metrakos says "Yo molly, what's our theme for the double-truck?"

Molly "You be trippin g, its cactus now, we be making it blingity bling."

Katie "Cactus...nice."
by Julianfri November 15, 2005
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Cactus, or cacti, is used to describe a noun that is offensive, ridiculous, embarrassing, or down right moronic. Also see: Stupid, Lame, Retarded,
Dude look at my shoes!!!

Um... sorry to tell you this, but your shoes are so cactus...

You have got to be kidding me... I thought they were cool...
by Robert Gillette July 31, 2005
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Yo dawg, that car be so cactus!!!

That is so cactus, cuh!!
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A broad term to describe medical conditions where the patient suffers from being a human. The condition was named in such a way to induce panic in patients when they realize that they are, in fact, human.
Doctor: I'm sorry Sam, but you have urethra cactus

Sam: *pulls out a gun and kills himself*
by TheOriginalYeet January 3, 2021
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