A great idea while sober is associated with a light bulb. A great idea while drinking is known as a beer bulb. It's as if a glass of beer lights up over your head.
Alex: I just had a great idea. What if we sing Celine Dion to win Karaoke to pay for our bar tab tonight?
Marilyn: Brilliant! Your beer bulb just went off! My heart will go onnnn!
by parkca01 November 16, 2011
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The vaginal equivalent of blue balls. When a person with a clitoris and a vagina gets turned on and bulbs of vestibule (also know as clitoral bulbs) become engorged with blood. When the blood does not return to the circulatory system, it can cause discomfort and a tense feeling in the vagina.
Riley: He didn't make you cum last night?
Sammy: No! Ugh, I've had total blue bulbs all day today. My pussy is in so much pain!
by BlueBulbs October 9, 2019
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Noun. The form of a woman's lower body while seated viewed from behind because it looks like a daffodil bulb.
I love yoga class with a room full of beautiful ass bulbs in lotus position.
by Billy Letterman July 26, 2019
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a turd that is skinny, but then gets really thick.
He launched a light buld into my neighbors mailbox.
by greenlm February 15, 2003
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it is to do a drug similair to speed from a light bulb.
chris what are you doing with your life.
im hitting a tik bulb.

chris you future is looking as bright as that tik bulb you hit last night.
by T- Dog September 13, 2006
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