originated in fridley, mn

1. BR: Butt Rapist
(an old man with stringy hair, no racial boundaries)
2. BRV Butt Rapist Van
(a oversized van with no windows in the back end used to taking advantage of children)
"man that guy looks like a BR, we had better stay away from him."

"i don't like how that BRV is rocking in that manner."
by -markerbandit November 11, 2004
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The act of rubbing mayonaise onto a pregnant woman's tummy.
Guy 1: What did you do last night?
Guy 2: I totally BR'ed my wife, it was sooo sexy.
by 69LVR March 16, 2010
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Abbriv for Baton Rouge
Fucking BR Sucks. It aint better than the NO(New Orleans)
by Chris Harris December 2, 2005
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Used most commonly as being synonomous with leaving. Also used as a hello.
"Hey, I'm ready to go. Are you ready to br br brr?"
"Br br brr, what's up?"
by Todd July 8, 2003
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Br Jude is the nicest teacher in LSC. Ever. According to Jasper, Br Jude doesn't speak in the lessons. Or more precisely, he talks in a way so advanced that we normal people can't understand. He found a way to solve this problem. In his lessons, he gives us videos to watch and tells us to self learn, when we can't understand the questions, he doesn't care. In the exams, we get low marks, he still doesn't care. We love this teacher so much!

(Br stands for Brother)
Br Jude lesson he gives out the test paper.

Br Jude: (calls our student numbers) Number thrie!

Number three goes out to get the test paper.

Br Jude: Number Dee!

All studnets: ???
by JohnMakFan December 1, 2020
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CHX-Br is short for cyclohexyl bromide (or CycloHeXyl Bromide). Cyclohexyl bromide can react with sodium ethoxide (NaOEt) and ethyl acetoacetate (EAA) to form Ethyl 2-cyclohexyl-3-oxobutanoate. Then react with hydrochloric acid to get 2-cyclohexyl-3-oxobutanoic acid. Heating it up will get you Cyclohexyl-2-Propanone (CHX2P, Cyclohyxylacetone) , a useful intermediate in the synthesis of Propylhexedrine, and carbon dioxide as a side product. Propylhexedrine is good orally in doses of 60mg to 180mg+ to decongest the nose, as a pre-workout, and to lose weight. Cyclohexyl bromide can also undergo other chemical reactions such as turning it into Cyclohexyl magnesium bromide and reacting it with Propyl chloride to get 1-cyclohexylpropane (unless there's rearrangement to 2-cyclohexylpropane).
Tony: I synthesized Cyclohexyl-2-Propanone (CHX2P) using CHX-Br and ethyl acetoacetate.
by CognitiveFuel July 7, 2023
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