you ever see a porno and the girls a**hole looks tore up before anything ever penetrates it? Well that's called "blown spokes." Like the spokes of a bike that was messed up.
Tore up
Burnt out
Ate up
The tweaked out lady's blown spokes.
by pookamiss March 10, 2012
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usually a word for when your back is destroyed after sex however Dartam blew his back out from deadlifting with DADAM.
Dartam: Dadam blew my back out i cannot do it.

Dartam has a blown back
by dartam November 29, 2021
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Used as a reference to when a wingman fails miserably and can not help his friend in a dire situation.

Fuck man, the maid of honor kept cock blocking my boy Dave and he couldn't even get near the Bachelorette. He even deployed his best wingman Rob who couldn't even break into the circle of girls dancing around their purses, and shoes.

Rob is credited with a blown save.

Also see: save

by Big Pimping January 4, 2008
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when you have sex and get absolutely railed, and your ass/back is sore the next day.
“hey babe how’s it going”

“I can’t walk from my blown back from yesterday night but it was worth it
by ToeSnake January 25, 2021
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opposite of 'chur good' used to let someone know they are so screwed. originated at B-CC high school
A:"my mom is cleaning my room today, and i left a dime on my nightstand"

B:"haha, chur blown"

Teacher: "Pass up the homework, it is being graded for correctness"

Student 1:"Oh fuck i didnt do it"

Student 2:"Chur so blown."
by anyong September 12, 2010
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When a girl is about to give you a blow job and all of a sudden, out of your own stupidity, you say or do something that makes her angry or ruins the mood and she ceases all blowing activity. This is not to be confused with some unforeseen events like an earthquake or a tornado occurring while you are about to be given a blowjob; unfortunate as it may be, it is not a blown job.
Greg: Hey man, how'd it go with Ashley last night?

Caleb: I accidentally called her Stacy, and I ended up getting a blown job.

Greg: Sucks... well, you wouldn't know.
by TheDaveTrain April 16, 2011
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