Bleh is a word used to describe an alcoholic beverage, typically a beer.
by theteamyerrr August 17, 2022
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What heroes say when they climax and jizz on a girls face.

Made famous by a pornographic video depicting a male penis with rotating balls releasing its contents on the face of a participant (a hot porn star) while a stick figure traverses her body and yells "Bleh!" at an extremely opportune time.
Hero: Oh god I'm 'bout to....
* Blows load on face *
Hero: BLEH! bitch!
Bitch: yay!
by Peaters Griffiens April 5, 2009
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Bleh is synonym of Blah. Bleh is the word you say when you're frustrated, or when you feel like puking. Or just when you're bored.
Some people use it as an adjective, like in "I feel so bleh"... It this case, it means that the person is in a mood to say "bleh".
-you're so bleh
-I'm gonna bleh
-Bleh, bleh, why me?
by Blehage March 11, 2006
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another word for meh- meaning you don't really give a shit
:Wadda ya havin for tea bradda
by Sam McKinnon August 29, 2006
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1. Full of bleh
2. Causing or involving disinterest and boredom
3. Unpleasant
1. Next week will be blehful, unless I get ungrounded.
2. Science today was very blehful.
3. The blehful weather left me bored and depressed.
by Iron Maiden 42 February 27, 2011
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A state of mind where nothing seems to interest you. A gloomy mood often brought on by boredom. A time where you just feel like shit. Can often be cured by sleeping and cuddling.
Maybe tomorrow I'll be up to it, but right now I'm just bleh.
by Esilver February 19, 2013
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A better word for grrness and bahness
"OMFG I MISSED THE KAD RS!!" "Blehness!!!"
by PumpkinJack November 12, 2004
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