bk stands for a buzkill or someone or something that kills the fun. BK's are usually found making awkward interjections in a conversation that makes everyone in it want to leave.
kevin-"dude last nights party was so funny"

BK Yona-" oh yeah totally man, thanks for inviting me, god i have no friends"

kevin-".... what a BK!!!!!"
by Da bitch takumi November 8, 2011
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Bad Kid, a bad kid is someone who isnt good at there respective postion(s) in life. such as xbox or athletics
Wow these kids are BK's. Hey man your such a BK just give up.
by Hasselhoffman February 15, 2009
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A noob or novice that has no skill in the said game. (Bad-kid)
That kid doesent even know how to play! what a BK!
by Scott P, Jake L February 20, 2009
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Having a series of misfortunate events happen to you in a brief period of time.

A combination of dance moves in which one thrusts his/her fists in an alternating pattern to the beat of a song, preferably to electronic music.

A popular fast food chain
After we went out I was BKed; got a speeding ticket, received a parking ticket, lost my wallet, and cracked the screen of my cellphone all before midnight.

Girl: "Yo did I see you at at Kitty O'shea's last night?"
Guy: "Maybe"
Girl: "Yeah I saw you on the dance floor doing the BK"

Guy 1: "Hey have you tried the new BK breakfast bowl at Burger King?"
Guy 2: "Yea man, that shit is bomb!"
by choopes molson December 17, 2010
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A BK is: A "Bad Kid". This is an insult, most commonly used in online gaming. Where "Bad" is a reference to one's skill and not to behavior, and "Kid" is referring to the level of one's maturity.
Franky aka "Jam" is a BK.
by Sm0kescreen February 10, 2007
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The abbreviation for "bad kid". This term is applied to one who is bad at anything at all. From video games to sports, you can be called a one at any time, anywhere, and while attempting any activity.
Did you really miss that snipe? WHAT A BK!
by Thelovelyneighbor October 9, 2009
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A fist bump/fist pound. Usually said in a mocking tone in order to highlight the rubish way that meat-head males continuously fist pound for no reason.
"BK me one after that awesome ace!"
by mmmwwwahahniu June 30, 2009
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