Awe means “fear, respect.” It’s describes someone or something that is “revered and/or feared." The first testament uses the word “awe” often, denoting god or some higher figure. The traditional definition of awesome is to describe something as feared or respected as a higher being upon all others.

In today's slang, it means that someone is really really really really cool and amazing. The person that is awesome may suffer denial from their awesomeness.
Chase was sitting at home one day and realized that Taylor is not just awesome in today's slang definition, but actually in the biblical way too.
by TaylorIsAwesomerThanI March 6, 2010
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A 'sticking plaster' word used by Americans to cover over the huge gaps in their vocabulary. It is one the three words which make up most American sentances.
The American vocabulary consists of just three words: Omygod, awesome and shit.
by Spleenvent September 11, 2006
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Something that is more awesome than awesome but not awesome enough to be the awesomest.
Dude, that hoodie is so much awesomer than your old one.
by Jamie/baka January 8, 2009
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Annoyingly used by English people who wish they were American!
Oh Edward the tea party you held was most definitely AWESOME!

What do you think of my new slippers Alice?
Alice: they're awesome!
by Shabbag1 September 12, 2013
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An overused adjective intended to denote something as "cool" or "great" but instead winds up meaning "lame." This is actually a reflection of the lameness of person using the word, the degree of which is directly proportionate to difference between the user's perspective of the so-called awesome object / person / situation and that of a reasonably sober, well-informed observer.
"Bono is awesome."
"This pizza is awesome" (when the pizza in question comes from a food court at the airport)
by ES Jones June 25, 2011
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An Inspiration for an overwhelming feeling of reverence, admiration, or fear. Causing or Inducing "Awe"
Awe Excellent Awesome
by Link8417 October 12, 2013
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formidable, amazing, heart-stirring, wonderful
Veronica Mars fans are awesome. They love the show so much they hired a plane to fly a message over Hollywood to show their support for renewal.
by amalia1 May 10, 2006
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